History of Race, Gender, and Society
Explore the issues central to understanding contemporary culture, society, and identity.
Take Courses to Help You Reach Your Professional Goals
The history of race, gender, and society certificate explores the issues central to understanding contemporary culture, society and identity. Coursework will focus on the history of race, gender, and society, and what that means for the world today. The 12-credit certificate consists of one three-credit history course and nine additional history credits chosen by you. This provides you with the unique opportunity to select the courses that most appeal to you and align with your professional goals.
This certificate is designed for non-history majors who are looking to enhance their field of study and/or future career options. Students who would most benefit from this certificate include those studying women's, gender and sexuality studies, social work, criminal justice, education, and sociology, though the certificate is a marketable addition to any major.
Program Details
Blugold Stories
Through thoughtful analysis of diverse experiences from past events, you will construct arguments that explain how history can inform the present. Select courses within the certificate that most interest you, and keep an open mind as you examine the importance of individual agency, historical contingency, and social change.
Here are a few courses in History of Race, Gender, and Society at UW-Eau Claire.
HIST 172
Latin American History: Colonial to the Present
Survey covering the major political, social, and economic developments and issues in Latin America’s historical formation, from the colonial era to the present.
HIST 313
Gender, Sex, and Science in European History
This course examines recent scholarship in European history on gender, sexuality, science, and the body. It focuses on the historical construction of gender and sexuality, the gendering of science, inclusion/exclusion in academic and scientific work.
HIST 392
History of Antisemitism
Global history of antisemitism from ancient world to the present, religious roots; economic and racial origins; impact of Zionism, Holocaust and Arab-Israeli conflict.
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