Hmong studies student in Fresno for Hmong New Year

Critical Hmong Studies

The critical Hmong studies certificate program at 澳门葡京网赌送彩金 is designed for students who have a strong interest in studying Hmong history, culture, society, politics, language, and contemporary issues.

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Study the Hmong Language and Culture

Throughout the certificate program, you'll study topics like Hmong language, history, culture and society, and critical race theory. Core and elective courses in the critical Hmong studies certificate will provide you with a better understanding of Hmong communities in Eau Claire and beyond, with particular attention on how to promote dignity, social justice and equality for Hmong and other diverse immigrant and refugee communities. Classes are taught by professors from a variety of disciplines providing you with a well-rounded and diverse education.

This certificate also offers a great opportunity to students who are interested in academic areas beyond their major or those who interact with Hmong communities on a professional basis.

Degree Types

Program Details

Degree Types
Degree Level undergraduate
Available asCertificate
Eau Claire
On Campus
Requires a minor No
Authored on
student on 2024 Thailand immersion
Opportunities to Travel

While pursuing the critical Hmong studies certificate, you'll have the opportunity to participate in travel seminars focused on Hmong studies. These programs count for credit and allow for more in-depth, personal connections, and experiences.

student in front of a large memorial wall
Research and Creative Activities

Throughout your courses, you will be able to participate in research and creative activity, including working on innovative projects with professors.  Research in the critical Hmong studies certificate program may also include collaborations with other institutions and UW campuses focused on critical Hmong studies.

female student at MSS welcome picnic
Personalized Studies

Half of the critical Hmong studies certificate requirements are made up of course electives, allowing you to customize your studies and explore classes that best align with your interests or career goals.

Facts List
Courses information

Courses throughout the critical Hmong studies certificate will thoroughly examine the concept of intersectionality and its implications on identities, historical and contemporary injustice, and social issues. Studies will also focus on the Hmong language, with an emphasis on reading, writing, speaking, and listening skills. Upon graduation, you'll have a greater understanding and appreciation of Hmong culture, literature, and current events. 

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