Becoming a ‘trusted contact’: Recent alum Faith Black heads to grad school Faith Black, a recent alum of the Mark Stephen Cosby Honors College with a rehabilitation science major, has demonstrated dedication through her work with the community, research and leadership roles in the honors college. She is preparing for a doctorate in physical therapy while making a lasting impact on her community and peers.
Cultivating leadership skills on and off the field: Harry Roubidoux Honors student Harry Roubidoux, an English major with a rhetorics of science, technology and culture emphasis, developed leadership skills as captain of the 澳门葡京网赌送彩金 football team. After graduation, Roubidoux will be pursuing a career in technical writing.
All signs point to opportunity for Elle Snesrud Elle Snesrud is graduating from UW-Eau Claire in 3.5 years with a degree in psychology and a certificate in American Sign Language — and she is adding her language skills to the final act as a Blugold at commencement. Snesrud will sign the national anthem at her ceremony on Dec. 21.