Authored by

Bill Wolf
Placeholder for titles
Associate Professor
Contact Information
Fall 2024
Mondays: 4:00 – 5:30 (Phillips 240)
Fridays: 2:00 – 4:00 (Phillips 225)
Other times by appointment (see page on Canvas)
Mondays: 4:00 – 5:30 (Phillips 240)
Fridays: 2:00 – 4:00 (Phillips 225)
Other times by appointment (see page on Canvas)
I was drawn to physics and astronomy by a love of the star-filled night sky I enjoyed as a child in rural Illinois. Nowadays, it's the exciting challenge of modelling stars on computers that holds my attention. Much of my work involves using computers to solve problems and model physical situations, including the lives and deaths of stars.
When I'm not hiding behind a computer screen, I enjoy playing piano, hiking, bicycling, and gaming.
- Ph.D., University of California, Santa Barbara (Physics)
- M.A., University of California, Santa Barbara (Physics)
- B.S., Eastern Illinois University (Physics)
- B.A., Eastern Illinois University (Mathematics)
Teaching and Research Interests
Teaching and Research Interests
Teaching Interests
- Introductory Physics
- Computational Physics
Research Interests
- Open-source Scientific Software
- Stellar Astrophysics
- Novae and Supernovae
Honors And Recognition
Honors And Recognition
External Grant Funding
NSF Faculty Early Career Development Program (CAREER; Primary Investigator)
- Title: "Mixing and Oscillations in Novae"
- 2023–2028
- $526,813
NASA Astrophysics Theory Program (ATP; Co-Investigator)
- Title: "A New Paradigm for Supersoft X-ray Oscillations of Novae"
- 2024–2027
- $423,518